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At first, there was one Vallejo artisan with a dream…

… to bring something fresh & new to downtown Vallejo; to create a place to foster appreciation for handmade goods, to keep ancient crafts alive and pass them on to a new generation; a retail space full of irresistibly beautiful handcrafted goods combined with a workshop space to teach the making of them as well; a place where crafts(wo)men, artisans and makers could connect with shoppers and each other; to build community through creativity.

And so THE JOINT opened it’s doors in February 2018. From there, we sent out a wolf cry, a call that had an amazing response.

Today we couldn’t be more honored to feature some of the most interesting and innovative makers to come out of Vallejo, California and the American West.


 Choosing inspiration over competition for a

stronger community and a healthier way to do business




Stephanie Brown | Fiber Artist + Proprietor



Stephanie grew up in Germany, in a house where home was more than just a place to live. This lucky circumstance fostered her love and appreciation for well-considered living spaces and all things beautiful from very early on. Stephanie has a deep-rooted love for the Old West, deserts, photography, textiles, studio pottery, thrifting and roller skating.

Watching her parents, aunt, uncle, older brother and sister run their own businesses throughout her childhood taught Stephanie not only that the hustle is in fact real, but that there is also freedom in being your own boss and real joy in realizing your dream + seeing your vision come to life.  Coming from an entire family of small business owners it was really just a matter of time until she caught the entrepreneurial bug herself and so at long last THE JOINT was born!

Visit Rebel Yarn to learn more about Stephanie’s work in fiber arts.